Since Wèi WúXiàn’s new golden core had shattered into pieces, and scattered in his spiritual veins, the only way to gather all the fragments was to penetrate into the realm of his unconscious mind.
Wèi WúXiàn’s current spiritual power was too weak to collect those fragments, and form a golden core on its own within three days.
And, if the fragments of his golden core happened to melt completely in his spiritual veins, it would be no longer possible to form another golden core.
During their dual cultivation, since Wèi WúXiàn’s spiritual power was weak, Lán WàngJī was using his own spiritual power to guide the flow of Wèi WúXiàn’s spiritual power.
However, by doing so, their both spiritual powers blended together, and, as a result, when the new golden core was formed, its properties were similar to the properties of Lán WàngJī’s golden core.
That was why Suíbiàn recognised Lán WàngJī as its owner instead of Jiāng Chéng.
Lán WàngJī knew that, in order to gather all the fragments of Wèi WúXiàn’s golden core, he had to penetrate into the realm of Wèi WúXiàn’s unconscious mind, then use again his semen as the medium to blend their unconscious minds, as well as their spiritual powers.
And, since their golden cores shared the same properties, Lán WàngJī would use his golden core to trace those fragments that were scattered in Wèi WúXiàn’s spiritual veins.
When he would enter his unconscious mind and begin to channel, Lán WàngJī might discover Wèi WúXiàn’s most desire, as well as watching the images of Wèi WúXiàn’s deepest memories.
Wèi WúXiàn had fallen asleep. However, Lán WàngJī really wanted to enter his unconscious mind while he was awake. He wanted him to reach yet another climax, blended their souls and bodies together.
Nevertheless, he began to dive deeper, then succeeded in penetrating into the realm of Wèi WúXiàn unconscious mind. Once inside, he closed his eyes for a moment to listen to the flow of Wèi WúXiàn’s spiritual power, then, he opened his eyes and began to channel.
Inside Wèi WúXiàn’s unconscious mind was all dark and silent, like being in an empty space deprived of any source of light and sound. It was so quiet that Lán WàngJī could even hear his own breath and heartbeat.
It seemed like a long time had passed before Lán WàngJī began to hear some whispers.
Those faint voices seemed to come from far, travelling like a gentle breeze at first, then, gradually, they became distinct and abundant.
The voices appeared to be some fragments of Wèi WúXiàn’s memories, coming all over the place in a chaotic manner.
In order to distinguish every speech of these voices, Lán WàngJī closed his eyes again and began to concentrate.
Then, by focusing on one memory, he recognised the scene; Wèi WúXiàn and he were in Cold Spring of Yúnshēn Bùzhīchù, back when they were teenagers.
“Stop splashing around.” “But water is so cold.” “What are you doing?” “I’m just coming towards where you are, because water is warmer around you.”
Then, Lán WàngJī caught another scene; it was when Wèi WúXiàn confessed his love to him.
“Lán Zhàn! Lán WàngJī! HánGuāng-Jūn! Earlier, I sincerely wanted to sleep with you!” “Lán Zhàn, listen to me.” “I really have a bad memory. I don’t remember everything that happened in the past, included that night .”
“You are really wonderful. I like you.” “In other words, I love you. I want you. I can’t bear to be parted from you. ” “I want to spend the rest of my life Night-Hunting with you.”
“I want to sleep with you every single day.” “I swear I’m not teasing you like I did before, nor expressing my gratitude to you.” “It’s simply because I love you.”
“I don’t want anyone unless it’s you.” “It can’t be anyone but you.” “You can do whatever you want with me, as long as you are willing to be with me.”
Lán WàngJī then carried on listening to another deepest memory of Wèi WúXiàn, and then another, and so on, until he suddenly released that Wèi WúXiàn’s memories were all about him.
That would explained why his Wèi Yīng remembered ‘WàngXiàn’, the name of the tune he hummed to him earlier. Although Wèi WúXiàn knew the tune since they were teenagers, however, he didn’t know the name back then.
That would also explained why his Wèi Yīng was able to read his facial expression, and felt his pain this morning. Even though Wèi WúXiàn’s memories were gone, however, his feeling for him was still there.
And, in turn, this would explained why his Wèi Yīng could naturally touch him and let be touched by him, as well as trusting him completely; he felt at ease by his side to the extent that he could easily and deeply fall asleep.
That why his Wèi Yīng fell in love with him again.
Also, his Wèi Yīng had promised him that, from now on, he would remember everything he would do or say to him, that he wouldn’t any longer forget any of them.
Hence, all these precious memories were still there, deep in his unconscious mind.
As Lán WàngJī carried on channelling further, the voices gradually faded away. And, soon, he reached the core Wèi WúXiàn’s unconscious mind.
In front of him, there was some sort of cave, and the inside of that cave was dimly lighted.
Lán WàngJī stepped into the cave, and saw two people, one was Wèi WúXiàn, sitting on the floor with his back leaned against the wall, and the other was himself, half-knelt in front of Wèi WúXiàn, and both of them were covered with blood.
The other Lán WàngJī was holding Wèi WúXiàn’s hands, and, earnestly, he was saying something to him. However, Lán WàngJī could not catch anything of what the other him was saying.
Lán WàngJī then walked closer to them in order to hear what the other him was saying to Wèi WúXiàn, but, still, his attempt was in vain.
On the other hand, however, he was able to see such a tenderness in Wèi WúXiàn’s eyes as he looked at the other him. He also heard him saying in a gentle voice, “All right, Lán Zhàn, I will go with you. Please, take me home.”
Then, Wèi WúXiàn tenderly put his both hands on the other Lán WàngJī’s cheeks, and began to repeat his words. As he did so, his voice was getting louder, while his tone becoming resolved.
Then, finally, he shouted, “Lán Zhàn, take me to GūsūLán!”
And, all of a sudden, their surroundings was replaced with a beautiful scenery full of colourful flowers and luxuriant green grass.
As for Lán WàngJī, he was filled with happiness by these simple words. No wonder his Wèi Yīng said this morning, “I won’t go. If you don’t want me to go, then I’ll stay with you.”
Earlier, he felt a little bit disappointed because instead of a silence from Wèi WúXiàn, he was expecting another vehement confession.
“How foolish I was!” thought Lán WàngJī, “I no longer need any proof of love from Wèi Yīng. His shouted words just now was the best* confession.”
*Before Wèi WúXiàn’s death, Lán WàngJī has pestered him to come with him to GūsūLán, (that was his clumsy way of saying ‘I love you’ to Wèi WúXiàn). And now, finally, Wèi WúXiàn returns his feeling by saying ‘Take me to GūsūLán’.“Wèi Yīng.” in his deep voice, Lán WàngJī called him to get his attention.
Then, Wèi WúXiàn turned his head and looked at him. Meanwhile, the other Lán WàngJī began to fade away.
Lán WàngJī then positioned himself at the exact place the other him was, and held Wèi WúXiàn’s hands, while Wèi WúXiàn appeared to be stunned.
In a voice full of tenderness, Lán WàngJī said, “Wèi Yīng, I’ll take you with me back to GūsūLán.”
Then, with a bright smile on his face, Wèi WúXiàn quickly hugged Lán WàngJī.
Lán WàngJī also embraced him in his arms. And, when Wèi WúXiàn raised his head towards him, they fondly kissed each other.
After their kisses, the scenery changed again. Now, they were in Jingshi.
In their room, Bìchén and Suíbiàn were hanged on the wall, some music notes were on the table, and their shelf was filled with various books and rare objects that Wèi WúXiàn brought home whenever he visited a place.
Lán WàngJī then carried Wèi WúXiàn to the bed, and then, he slowly removed Wèi WúXiàn’s clothes, then, he did the same with his clothes.
Once both of them were naked, Lán WàngJī lay on the top of Wèi WúXiàn.
“Wèi Yīng.” He gently began to call him again and again, while caressing his soft skin. They were in perfect harmony, blended by the love they felt for each other.
Lán WàngJī then closed his eyes, and released a flow of his spiritual power. The blue light spread like circular ripples, then, some gentle notes of music, which seemed to be emitted by Wangji, filled the room.
Soon after, the fragments of Wèi WúXiàn’s golden core slowly began to gather until they formed a perfect and shiny golden sphere.
Then, Lán WàngJī guided the golden core to Wèi WúXiàn’s golden core vessel.